Thursday, October 3, 2024

Divine/Human Resources

We have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. 2 Corinthians 4:7

"Human resources" are usually the most important part of any organization or endeavor. It is people applying their skills to a given task, people who interact with other people in order to accomplish goals, and people who care about the mission of the group that make an organization thrive. 

The human resources for God's kingdom in Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania were on full display as I took advantage of a 3-week break at Wittenberg seminary to visit our sister churches and new contacts in these countries. The two trips:

The pastors and people here are poor, especially by U.S. standards, but their zeal for the Gospel of Christ crucified and for the truth of God's Word is a blessing to behold. 

In western Uganda, the people in the 17 congregations of the Confessional Lutheran Synod of Uganda (CLSU) are still recent contacts for us. We continue to have doctrinal discussions to see whether we are united in our confession. About a year ago they left a larger Lutheran group in Uganda in order to remain faithful to God's Word. They operate a seminary with 8 students, and are active in seeking to plant new churches. I was invited to present a preaching workshop in their seminary, and visited two churches and a school during my short stay.

CLSU Seminary students. Back row: Dr. Enoch MacBen, Pastor Obed, and at his left hand is Pastor Ernest

Our Savior's Lutheran Church, with temporary building inside the walls being constructed

In eastern Uganda I had a two-day visit with the pastors of the Confessional Church of the Reformation in Iganga, Uganda. We had Bible studies on Scripture doctrine, and valuable fellowship for this young synod. The CCRU was officially welcomed into CLC fellowship at our Convention in June. On Sunday I was asked to preach for the morning service at Grace Harvest Lutheran, and also to address their youth group in the evening. Their president, Pastor Daniel Mugeni and his wife and children, share their home with about 25 orphaned and abandoned children. This effort is supported by CLC Project Kinship. 

L to R: Pastor Norman of Kamuli, Pastor Deo of Kampala, Pastor Mugeni of Iganga, BN, Pastor Tanas of Busia, and Pastor Milton of Kampala


During the worship service the ladies' choir sang beautifully - see the video HERE.

A video clip of the youth group choir is HERE.


Children at the Mugeni home in Iganga, Uganda

Next, the long bus ride took me across the border to Kenya, and I arrived at Kisii to meet with the pastors of the KCLC. We had planning and work to do in order to update the KCLC registration with the Kenyan government. We also elected a treasurer for the group, and received Pastor Calvin Luvisha and his congregation, St. Peter's of Kitale, into KCLC membership . Pastor Calvin had previously completed extensive studies with CLC representatives. He and his congregation are overjoyed to be officially in fellowship with the KCLC.

L to R: Pastor Enosh, BN, Pastor Fred, Pastor Henry (Moi’s Bridge) Pastor Calvin (Kitale), Elder Joshua (Etago)

After returning home for a short rest, TCLC President Jeremia Issangya and I drove 275 miles south to visit our sister church in Dodoma, led by Pastor Joseph. We had planned to visit there with the CLC Mission Helpers in July, but scheduling did not permit it. We presented the "Jesus Film" in the Swahili language on Saturday evening there, and provided Pastor Joseph with a Bible study guide for the Gospel of Luke. On Sunday I was invited to preach at their worship service. These infrequent visits are very important to strengthen ties among the sister churches of the TCLC.

TCLC Dodoma congregation - Pastor Joseph Chihoma, back row right

There were good roads on the way south to Dodoma, but our return trip north was mostly on rough, dirt-and-rock roads. We had arranged to visit some Maasai tribe pastors who have expressed interest in the TCLC. We met Pastor Hezekiah at the town of Okesumet, and visited his home church on Monday evening. We presented the "Jesus Film" there, in the Maasai language. The next morning we proceeded north, and had lunch with 6 other Maasai pastors who may also be seeking fellowship and partner ministry with us. Pastor Hezekiah is making plans to attend Wittenberg Seminary in January.

Pastor Hezekiah (2nd from right) and some of his church members 

Children of the congregation near Okesumet

Lunch with other interested Maasai pastors

In many places the scenery was beautiful!

"Human resources" are an important part of the Lord's kingdom work here in East Africa, and it is a joy to see so many fellow Christians who are dedicating their lives in the service of the Gospel of Christ crucified. All of this would be for nothing, however, without the divine resources which are at work here. It is the power of the Holy Spirit, working through His Word, that is enlightening the hearts and minds of all those who are brought to faith in Jesus, and is also keeping them in that faith. Human resources often stumble and fail, but God's Word always accomplishes His purposes. That's why Paul said:

We have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. 2 Corinthians 4:7

By God's grace I am now safely home in Arusha, and we are preparing for the final segment of classes at Wittenberg Lutheran Seminary before graduation day on November 24. Please continue to pray for all the "jars of clay" here, so our Lord's divine, infinite resources will continue to work powerfully through our finite human resources!


Friday, September 6, 2024

Preparation, Practice, Proclamation


In this blog I write mostly about the WORK we do. If you'd like to know more about our LIFE here in Tanzania, see Paula's journal entry for August HERE.


Dear Friends - here at Wittenberg seminary, a great deal of time and effort is put into the study of the Word of God. This is as it should be, because the power to enlighten us, save us, and guide us into all truth is found in the inspired and inerrant Holy Scriptures. We are striving to follow the directions given to Timothy from the Apostle Paul:

"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15

Here in the dormitory rooms and the seminary classroom is where much of our PREPARATION with the Word of God takes place:

A typical dormitory room at Wittenberg Seminary

Seminary classroom, with students and teachers

Of course, preparation on paper is not the only needed step. Our students also PRACTICE their skills at preaching and teaching, both in front of their fellow students and "live" with the members of Ambureni parish:

Student Jasper preaching a practice sermon to fellow students

Student Dennis teaching Ambureni Sunday school

Student Eubank preaching at Ambureni worship services

The end goal of all our preparation and practice is to equip these men for PROCLAMATION in the parishes to which they may be called. We are now in the home stretch of the school year, looking forward to graduating four men from the seminary for service in the Lord's Church.

Please remember to pray for these men, that God would give them success with their preparation, practice, and proclamation of the Gospel of Christ crucified! Your prayers are also requested for: 
  • A series of illnesses here - Students Jasper and Eubank have recovered from malaria and typhoid, and student Emanuel is still recovering from typhoid and an infection. Student Dennis needs to undergo outpatient surgery for removal of benign tumors in his neck. Student Raphael had to return home to Korogwe (about 7 hours away) to attend to his wife, who is ill. Teacher Robert Loskira has been suffering from dental pain. Please ask our LORD to help and heal!

  • Upcoming visitations - During the seminary's midsemester break (late Sept/early Oct) Pastor Jeremia and I plan to visit our TCLC congregation in Dodoma, and to visit a Maasai pastor and his churches who have expressed interest in the TCLC. We are also planning to visit the pastors of the KCLC in Kenya during this break. Please pray for safe travel, Gospel outreach, and mutual edification with the Word of God during these trips! 
1st trip south; 2nd trip north - God willing!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Our Father's Business, as Usual

The boy Jesus in the Temple, Luke 2:41-52

In this blog I write mostly about the WORK we do. If you'd like to know more about our LIFE here in Tanzania, see Paula's journal entry for July HERE.

We are back to "business as usual" here at Wittenberg Seminary. It has been about two weeks since our four Mission Helper guests departed for their homes in the U.S. It was a blessed and busy time (see the MHT 2024 blog HERE). Now we are back to our normal routine of seminary classes, Sunday school, and planning for future missionary visits in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.

When He was 12 years old, the boy Jesus was doing "His Father's business" as He asked and answered questions in the Jerusalem temple. In the same way our eight seminary students are doing their Father's business as they prepare for the public ministry. Our focus is especially on the four men who will graduate from Wittenberg Seminary at the end of November. They have four more months to study in the areas of Christian doctrine, preaching, teaching, congregational leadership and pastoral care. Please continue to pray for this work, where "business as usual" is, in fact, our Father's blessed business!

Students and teachers of Wittenberg Lutheran Seminary, with our Mission Helper Team

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Mission Helpers in Tanzania - Proclaiming the REAL Jesus!

Visiting 2024 TZ Mission Helpers - Amy Tester, Nicole Hansen, Jeff Radichel, and Gary Peters

Paula and I, along with the people of the TCLC, have been blessed to host Team Tanzania for two weeks of child evangelism! We are presenting "The Real Jesus: True God, True Man, True Savior, and Savior of All." We have had wonderful experiences with the children locally, as well as spending 2 overnights east of Arusha, so far. Tomorrow and Saturday we travel to the Moshi and Mount Kilimanjaro area. On Sunday we visit the Maasai village of Mbuyuni. Next week we'll split up, with 1/2 of the team traveling 10 hours south to Dodoma, with the other team members doing more local events. We truly appreciate all the prayers and support from our fellow CLC believers in the U.S.! A few photos are below (click to enlarge):

Presenting "The Real Jesus" to the Maasai congregation at Eselalei

With the congregation at Mbulumbulu

With the Wittenberg Seminary students in Arusha

At a local Orphanage

♪  "Go ye, go ye, into the world, and make disciples of all the nations!"  

You can get first-person reports from the other Team Tanzania members, along with those from Team Kenya/Uganda and Team Zambia, HERE.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Sons of the Prophets

"You are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant that God made with your fathers, saying to Abraham, 'And in your offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed.'" (Acts 3:25)

During Old Testament times, in the days of Elijah and Elisha, the older and experienced prophets of the LORD provided training for the next generation of leaders. These trainees were known as the "sons of the prophets." Much later, the Apostle Peter informed his listeners that those who share the faith of Abraham are heirs of the promise of the Savior who has come to redeem us. It is now our turn to both proclaim the crucified and risen Lord Jesus, and to pass on this treasure to future generation by training our own "sons of the prophets."

Here at Wittenberg Lutheran Seminary in Arusha, Tanzania we have 8 such "sons of the prophets." They are training in the study and application of the Word of God for the pastoral ministry. Please take the time to pray for them by name, that they would become able preachers and teachers of the Gospel! 

[Click to enlarge]

Our students have reached their June break time, and are traveling home. I will soon be in the U.S. visiting family and attending the CLC Convention. God willing, Paula and I will return in early July, and seminary classes resume on July 9.

God of the prophets, bless the prophet's sons; Elijah's mantle o'er Elisha cast.
Each age its solemn task may claim but once; Make each one nobler, stronger, than the last.

Make them apostles, heralds of Thy Cross; Forth may they go to tell all realms Thy grace.
Inspired of Thee, may they count all but loss, And stand at last with joy before Thy face.

TLH 483:1,5

Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Day of "Small" Things

“Who dares despise the day of small things?"
Zechariah 4:10

When the Jewish exiles returned from their 70-year captivity in Babylon, they were few in number and often in dire straits. Under their governor, Zerubbabel, they struggled to rebuild the temple of the LORD which had been destroyed decades earlier. At the dedication of the new temple, many people openly wept because the building was only a shadow of its former glory. But the LORD promised a future glory that would eclipse even Solomon's temple. When it is the LORD who is at work, no one should despise the day of "small" things! 

In the eyes of the world, the events that are taking place among our churches and contacts in Uganda are "small" indeed. But it is the LORD's work, and his promises of future glory for those who proclaim His true word will certainly prevail! 

The first portion of my 2-week trip was to visit the pastors and congregations of the "Confessional Lutheran Synod of Uganda." Their website is HERE. This is an independent group of 21 churches, served by 8 ordained pastors and 8 seminary students, who also serve as evangelists. They were formerly part of the Lutheran Church of Uganda, an affiliate of the Missouri Synod in the USA. They first made contact with a CLC layman in California, and have been corresponding with me for some months. Pastor Mugeni (of the CCRU in eastern Uganda) and I spent several days with them in Ibanda. It was an opportunity to get acquainted, and to begin a process of finding out if we share the same scriptural doctrine. We found ourselves to be in agreement in every area we discussed, although of course future meetings will be needed. It was a very positive experience for all concerned!

Pictures from south-western Uganda (click to enlarge):

Pastor Nicholas, Dr. Enoch, Missionary Naumann, Pastor Daniel Mugeni, Pastor Obed

Bethel Lutheran Church, where Pastor Nicholas serves

A side trip to beautiful Lake George

Our Savior's Lutheran, served by seminary student Conrad

Sunday church service at New Jerusalem Lutheran, served by Bishop Benson Barahuka

Members of New Jerusalem after church

Monday's conference, exploring and understanding the teachings of the CLC and the CLSU

Conference attendees

On the way to Kampala - a photo stop at the equator

+          +          +

The second portion of the trip was in Iganga, in eastern Uganda, for the constituting convention of the Confessional Church of the Reformation in Uganda (CCRU). The CLC Board of Missions and Kinship have been working with Pastor Daniel Mugeni in Uganda for a number of years. He has successfully completed his colloquy (doctrinal examination). This summer our CLC Convention in Eau Claire will, God willing, confirm our President's declaration of fellowship with the CCRU. There are five pastors and their congregations who are prepared to be a part of the newly-formed CCRU, although one was absent from the conference due to illness. We also had three visiting pastors who are expressing interest, though at present they still serve congregations in the Lutheran Church of Uganda. We had a 2-day conference, reaffirming our confessional agreement on all of the Bible's teachings. The founding clergy and congregations adopted a constitution, and are very much looking forward to the CLC's official declaration of fellowship at the June Convention in Eau Claire. You may see a video greeting from President Mugeni and the other CCRU officers HERE.

Photos from the visit to Iganga and the CCRU conference (click to enlarge):

Grace Lutheran, Iganga, served by Pastor Daniel Mugeni. Their temporary building is inside the ongoing church building project

Discussing church doctrine and a CCRU Constitution

Signing the Constitution

The newly-elected officers of the CCRU: President Daniel Mugeni, Vice President Tana Wangira, Secretary/Treasurer Milton Wanyama - also Pastor Norman Oyara

Visiting with the orphan children at the home of Pastor and Ida Mugeni

See a video clip of a wonderful song by the children HERE.

The "Jesus Film," presented to more than 100 at Pastor Mugeni's rural church

We rejoice in the fellowship that we now share with the CCRU in eastern Uganda, and the prospects for further possible fellowship with the CLSU in western Uganda!

I am spending the last couple of days in Kampala, with Pastor Milton's two churches there. Then, God willing, I will fly to Arusha to finish up two weeks of seminary classes before the June break. 

Walking through the poverty-stricken village of Kasokoso, near Kampala 

Christ's Bride Lutheran Church, Kasokoso

An impromptu Sunday school in front of the church with neighborhood children, prior to showing the "Jesus Film"

Are all these matters happening in Uganda, as well as in our many other foreign fields, "small things"?  Yes, that is, to the outward eye. Yet it is the power of God the Holy Spirit, working through His Word, that is doing glorious things in the hearts of men, women, and children! 

This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel:
"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts." Zechariah 4:4

Divine/Human Resources

We have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. 2 Corinthians 4:7 "Human resourc...