Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Pearl of Great Price in Africa

In this blog I write mostly about the work we do. If you'd like to get some insights about our daily life here in Tanzania, see Paula's journal entry for February HERE.

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it." Matthew 13:45-46

When traveling in the East African country of Uganda, you are regularly reminded of the nation's tourism motto, which promotes it as the "The Pearl of Africa." The name certainly fits when it comes to the natural beauty and wildlife that is found there. For me, though, this motto speaks to people I have met and worked with in Uganda who highly prize the Gospel of Christ crucified for sinners. Like the merchant in Jesus' parable, they recognize that the things of this world have no value at all compared to knowing Jesus - His obedience for us, His death in our place, and His resurrection that guarantees our own eternal life. 

Paula and I had a week-long visit to two church bodies in Uganda, from February 12-19. We flew from our home in Tanzania to Entebbe, Uganda. We were met there by Pastor Andrew Schaller of Fond du Lac, WI, who came to represent the CLC Board of Doctrine. 

Our first destination was a 6-hour drive east of the capital, Kampala, to visit the members of the Confessional Lutheran Synod of Uganda (CLSU). This is an independent group of about 20 Lutheran congregations, with whom we have had extensive written discussions about Bible teaching. They operate a seminary in Ibanda, with 8 students attending. Pastor Schaller and I were tasked with having face-to-face meetings with the leaders of the CLSU, to determine whether we in the CLC are in full agreement with them in doctrine and practice. In the course of our discussions we were mutually convinced that we are in agreement. We have forwarded our reports to CLC President Michael Wilke for his consideration. We were also able to visit several of the CLSU congregations. Here are some photos of our visit to the CLSU (click to enlarge):

Crossing the equator: Dr. Enoch MacBen, A. Schaller, P. & B. Naumann, Pastor Nicholas

With the leaders and pastors of the CLSU, following our day of doctrinal discussions

St. Paul Lutheran Church, CLSU, with seminary professor Dr. Enoch (left) and Pastor Samuel (right)

On the way far up into the hills to visit Hope Lutheran, CLSU

After Sunday services at New Jerusalem Lutheran Church, CLSU

For a video clip of the worship service at New Jerusalem in Ibanda, click HERE.

Paula had the opportunity to address the Ladies Group of New Jerusalem Lutheran

After our four days in eastern Uganda, we traveled back to Kampala where 5 of the 6 pastors of the Confessional Church of the Reformation in Uganda (CCRU) met us for a conference. Pastor Milton Wanyama, the local pastor in Kampala, and his congregation were the hosts. I delivered 300 copies of Luther's Small Catechism to them in the local Luganda language, as well as the Sydow Catechism in English for the pastors to use as a teacher's guide. I presented a workshop on catechism instruction for them, and Pastor Schaller conducted a sample confirmation class. We also had a review of Reformation history, and viewed a film on Luther and the Reformation. On the following day Pastor Schaller presented a workshop on correct Bible interpretation. These conferences are very important for the pastors, both for their continuing education and our mutual encouragement.

Pastors Milton, Norman, Daniel Mugeni, Deo, Schaller, and Tanas - also P&B Naumann
Backdrop: the flags of Kenya, Uganda, the U.S., and Tanzania

Yes, in many ways the natural wonders of Uganda make it the "Pearl of Africa." The work of the Gospel going on in the CLSU and CCRU is a pearl of a different sort, though it is hidden from outward view. The Gospel of God's free grace in Christ and the love for God's Word that sustains us is truly "The Pearl of Great Price in Africa."

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The Pearl of Great Price in Africa

In this blog I write mostly about the work we do. If you'd like to get some insights about our daily life here in Tanzania, see Paula...