Thursday, July 18, 2024

Mission Helpers in Tanzania - Proclaiming the REAL Jesus!

Visiting 2024 TZ Mission Helpers - Amy Tester, Nicole Hansen, Jeff Radichel, and Gary Peters

Paula and I, along with the people of the TCLC, have been blessed to host Team Tanzania for two weeks of child evangelism! We are presenting "The Real Jesus: True God, True Man, True Savior, and Savior of All." We have had wonderful experiences with the children locally, as well as spending 2 overnights east of Arusha, so far. Tomorrow and Saturday we travel to the Moshi and Mount Kilimanjaro area. On Sunday we visit the Maasai village of Mbuyuni. Next week we'll split up, with 1/2 of the team traveling 10 hours south to Dodoma, with the other team members doing more local events. We truly appreciate all the prayers and support from our fellow CLC believers in the U.S.! A few photos are below (click to enlarge):

Presenting "The Real Jesus" to the Maasai congregation at Eselalei

With the congregation at Mbulumbulu

With the Wittenberg Seminary students in Arusha

At a local Orphanage

♪  "Go ye, go ye, into the world, and make disciples of all the nations!"  

You can get first-person reports from the other Team Tanzania members, along with those from Team Kenya/Uganda and Team Zambia, HERE.


  "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17 Since our return to Tanzania on January 9, we have been bless...