Monday, March 27, 2023


Greetings from Arusha, Tanzania! I arrived safely yesterday after a long but smooth trip. I was met by Pastor Jeremia and Missionary Todd Ohlmann, who will be here for another week. We have much to do while he's here. We meet the Wittenberg seminary students today, then run a number of errands. Tomorrow it's off to visit various TZ-CLC districts and outreach contacts, returning late Wednesday night.

The seminary students will soon be on their Easter break, and my teaching duties begin with their second semester on April 17. Meanwhile I have comfortable temporary accommodations, and will be looking at options for a long-term rental home. 

As I was leaving I was overwhelmed by the loving support of fellow believers in the CLC-USA. I appreciate the many prayers - Thank you! It's good to have easy and open communication with loved ones back home. All the preparations here will be of great benefit when Paula joins me here in August.

Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Ps. 136:1

T. Ohlmann, his daughter Lydia, and Pastor Jeremia

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