Monday, June 26, 2023

Finale of the First Phase

UPDATE - the video links below didn't work at first, but have now been fixed.

Dear friends - it is the last week of regular classes here at Wittenberg Seminary in Arusha before our break. Final tests for the second semester will be given next week, and then I'll be flying home for furlough on Saturday. I'm looking forward to meeting a new grandson, born on June 24, and the upcoming birth of a granddaughter. I also hope to see many of you all while in the U.S.

We have definitely "hit our stride" as students and faculty in our new situation. The men are making good progress in their studies. At the end of November we expect to graduate 3 students from the 1-year Evangelism program; they will then be eligible to enroll in the 3-year seminary. Although there will be no seminary graduates this year, we hope by God's grace to graduate 4 candidates for the pubic ministry in November of 2024. Photos (click to enlarge):

The Wittenberg Seminary Faculty:
Robert Loskira, Jeremia Issangya, Bruce Naumann, and Nathan Lengutai

Our seven students in the seminary classroom

Along with his work at the seminary, Pastor Robert Loskira serves the congregation in Mbyuni, about an hour away. This past weekend I had the privilege to travel to his home congregation and to be the guest preacher. Mbyuni parish is a small but vibrant group, with many children. Some photos:

Transportation on Pastor Robert's motorcycle

The paved roads gave way to gravel, then a dirt path shortcut
to the Maasai village of Mbyuni

The home where Pastor Robert lives with his wife and 3 small children

Pastor Robert Loskira, his wife Rachel, and their children (left to right): Onesimus, Angel, and Innocent. We give thanks to God that Rachel Loskira has recovered from a recent, severe illness.

The temporary church at Mbyuni is enclosed within the walls of the as-yet unfinished building

The congregation at worship

Mbyuni is also the home of seminary student Phillip Aloyce

A video clip of the Sunday school singing is HERE. An after-church song and prayer is HERE.

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This "Finale of the First Phase" will be my last blog post until later in August when, God willing, Paula and I will arrive safely here in Arusha. It's very encouraging to know that so many of our fellow believers in the CLC-USA are supporting us and praying for the work here!

“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you.” (2 Thesslonians 3:1)   

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