Monday, November 13, 2023

Celebrating Grace!

"He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior..." Titus 3:5-6

In the previous post I linked to portions of Paula's Tanzania journal, which she writes for our family. It has additional "newsy" items that are of interest. You can read Paula's journal summary for October HERE.

It has been an eventful couple of weeks here in Tanzania, with many blessings from our LORD! On November 5, Paula and I traveled to the Maasai village of Mbyuni where my fellow seminary teacher, Robert Loskira, serves as pastor. A little background: less than two years ago Pastor Robert started this church with only five members - himself, his wife, and their three children. They had left the Pentecostal church after Robert came into contact with the truth about God's grace and his Means of Grace. The congregation now numbers about 50. Pastor Robert has been preparing them for some time to welcome God's grace in Holy Baptism for their children. He invited me to participate in the service, during which 11 children received this washing of regeneration! Here are a few pictures (click to enlarge):

Before the service, at the Loskira home. Rachel presented Paula with a Maasai necklace.

The 11 children and their parents, at the front of the church

Calling each child by name, I baptized them saying "Nakubatiza wewe [name], katika jina la Baba, na la Mwana, na la Roho Mtakatifu, Amen." The members cried out for joy each time, and I'm sure the angels sang, too! Video clips of the baptisms are HEREHERE, and HERE

The congregation sang its closing song outside the church door - video HERE

Just yesterday (Nov. 12) there was another baptism, as well as a confirmation, here at Pastor Jeremia's church. Miriam was baptized into the name of the Triune God, and also confessed her faith and promised to be faithful to God's Word in the rite of confirmation.

Miriam's confirmation

Outside the church with Pastor Robert, Pastor Jeremia, Miriam, myself, and Miriam's friend who served as her attendant

Gathering outside the church after the baptism and confirmation worship service

That afternoon Miriam's family hosted a large gathering of family and friends to celebrate the occasion. Yes, that's a whole roasted goat!

Meanwhile, the Wittenberg Seminary students are taking their final exams this week. On Sunday our three students in the first-year Evangelism program will graduate. Paula and I return to the U.S. on November 26 and will be back in Tanzania for the next school year, which begins in January. A few more photos:

Between classes at the seminary

Paula painted a New Testament Bible map on the back wall of the seminary classroom

There's a Pizza Hut in Arusha!

We feel incredibly blessed to be witnesses of, and participants in, God's outpouring of Grace through his Word and Sacrament here! We're very much looking forward to seeing family and friends the U.S. during December. God be with you all.

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Kazi! Kazi! Kazi!

In this blog I write mostly about the work we do. If you'd like to get some insights about our life here in Tanzania, see Paula's jo...