Monday, April 8, 2024

"He shall give His angels charge over you... keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone." Psalm 91:11

Paula Naumann keeps a personal Tanzania Journal - her entry for March is HERE.

On a two-lane Tanzanian road north of Dar es Salaam we patiently crawled along behind a ponderous 18-wheeler. I waited for a nice clear stretch of road before I punched the gas on the Rav4 to pass. Out of nowhere, a smaller truck shot out into our passing lane from a side road. A jerk of the wheel pulled us in front of the big rig, with only centimeters to spare. Whew! This type of incident on the roads is all too common, and I'm certain the LORD’s angels kept us safe throughout our travels! 

No doubt God's angels were also helping us to have a fruitful journey. During our 2-week Easter break from seminary classes, Pastor Jeremia, Paula and I travelled to Tanga and Zanzibar to visit TCLC pastors and churches. It was about 900 miles round trip, and my first experience with driving that kind of distance and terrain in Tanzania. We met with pastors and members in Tanga, Korogwe, and Zanibar:

One feature of the trip was an outreach event at Pastor Kimemele's church in Korogwe. We had an outdoor viewing of the "Jesus Film," based on Luke's Gospel, and in the Swahili language. We had about 30 attending at the start, and more than 100 by the end. Pastor Kimemele preached a devotion after the film. He was also provided with a Teacher's Guide for a Bible study on Luke, for a follow-up class. Here are some photos from the trip (click to enlarge):

With Pastor Julius (left), inspecting site for proposed church.

We paid a visit to the widow of a TCLC pastor who recently died; this is the church where he served.

In Tanga, LtoR: church member, myself, Samuel (a seminary candidate for next year), Pastor Jeremia, Pastor Kimemele.

Setting up for the "Jesus Film" in Korogwe

More than 100 church and community members were present for the film.

Jeremia, Paula and me on the ferry from Dar es Salaam to Zanzibar

With Pastor Peter Msifune on Zanzibar

We met with some of Pastor Msifune's members, including these Maasai men.

We had very little time for sightseeing on Zanzibar, but we did walk down to the Indian Ocean early one morning.

Don't pass yet! (though lots of reckless people were blindly passing up 4-5 vehicles at a time)

A beautiful reminder of God's covenant of peace on the way home! 

It is by God's grace, with the help of his protecting angels, that we returned to Arusha safely after our 5-day journey. Classes at Wittenberg Seminary resume this week, following our 2-week Easter break. We thank God for these opportunities to bear witness to the crucified and risen Lord Jesus, and to train a future generation to proclaim His saving Gospel!

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Kazi! Kazi! Kazi!

In this blog I write mostly about the work we do. If you'd like to get some insights about our life here in Tanzania, see Paula's jo...