Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Day of "Small" Things

“Who dares despise the day of small things?"
Zechariah 4:10

When the Jewish exiles returned from their 70-year captivity in Babylon, they were few in number and often in dire straits. Under their governor, Zerubbabel, they struggled to rebuild the temple of the LORD which had been destroyed decades earlier. At the dedication of the new temple, many people openly wept because the building was only a shadow of its former glory. But the LORD promised a future glory that would eclipse even Solomon's temple. When it is the LORD who is at work, no one should despise the day of "small" things! 

In the eyes of the world, the events that are taking place among our churches and contacts in Uganda are "small" indeed. But it is the LORD's work, and his promises of future glory for those who proclaim His true word will certainly prevail! 

The first portion of my 2-week trip was to visit the pastors and congregations of the "Confessional Lutheran Synod of Uganda." Their website is HERE. This is an independent group of 21 churches, served by 8 ordained pastors and 8 seminary students, who also serve as evangelists. They were formerly part of the Lutheran Church of Uganda, an affiliate of the Missouri Synod in the USA. They first made contact with a CLC layman in California, and have been corresponding with me for some months. Pastor Mugeni (of the CCRU in eastern Uganda) and I spent several days with them in Ibanda. It was an opportunity to get acquainted, and to begin a process of finding out if we share the same scriptural doctrine. We found ourselves to be in agreement in every area we discussed, although of course future meetings will be needed. It was a very positive experience for all concerned!

Pictures from south-western Uganda (click to enlarge):

Pastor Nicholas, Dr. Enoch, Missionary Naumann, Pastor Daniel Mugeni, Pastor Obed

Bethel Lutheran Church, where Pastor Nicholas serves

A side trip to beautiful Lake George

Our Savior's Lutheran, served by seminary student Conrad

Sunday church service at New Jerusalem Lutheran, served by Bishop Benson Barahuka

Members of New Jerusalem after church

Monday's conference, exploring and understanding the teachings of the CLC and the CLSU

Conference attendees

On the way to Kampala - a photo stop at the equator

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The second portion of the trip was in Iganga, in eastern Uganda, for the constituting convention of the Confessional Church of the Reformation in Uganda (CCRU). The CLC Board of Missions and Kinship have been working with Pastor Daniel Mugeni in Uganda for a number of years. He has successfully completed his colloquy (doctrinal examination). This summer our CLC Convention in Eau Claire will, God willing, confirm our President's declaration of fellowship with the CCRU. There are five pastors and their congregations who are prepared to be a part of the newly-formed CCRU, although one was absent from the conference due to illness. We also had three visiting pastors who are expressing interest, though at present they still serve congregations in the Lutheran Church of Uganda. We had a 2-day conference, reaffirming our confessional agreement on all of the Bible's teachings. The founding clergy and congregations adopted a constitution, and are very much looking forward to the CLC's official declaration of fellowship at the June Convention in Eau Claire. You may see a video greeting from President Mugeni and the other CCRU officers HERE.

Photos from the visit to Iganga and the CCRU conference (click to enlarge):

Grace Lutheran, Iganga, served by Pastor Daniel Mugeni. Their temporary building is inside the ongoing church building project

Discussing church doctrine and a CCRU Constitution

Signing the Constitution

The newly-elected officers of the CCRU: President Daniel Mugeni, Vice President Tana Wangira, Secretary/Treasurer Milton Wanyama - also Pastor Norman Oyara

Visiting with the orphan children at the home of Pastor and Ida Mugeni

See a video clip of a wonderful song by the children HERE.

The "Jesus Film," presented to more than 100 at Pastor Mugeni's rural church

We rejoice in the fellowship that we now share with the CCRU in eastern Uganda, and the prospects for further possible fellowship with the CLSU in western Uganda!

I am spending the last couple of days in Kampala, with Pastor Milton's two churches there. Then, God willing, I will fly to Arusha to finish up two weeks of seminary classes before the June break. 

Walking through the poverty-stricken village of Kasokoso, near Kampala 

Christ's Bride Lutheran Church, Kasokoso

An impromptu Sunday school in front of the church with neighborhood children, prior to showing the "Jesus Film"

Are all these matters happening in Uganda, as well as in our many other foreign fields, "small things"?  Yes, that is, to the outward eye. Yet it is the power of God the Holy Spirit, working through His Word, that is doing glorious things in the hearts of men, women, and children! 

This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel:
"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts." Zechariah 4:4

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