Friday, September 6, 2024

Preparation, Practice, Proclamation


In this blog I write mostly about the WORK we do. If you'd like to know more about our LIFE here in Tanzania, see Paula's journal entry for August HERE.


Dear Friends - here at Wittenberg seminary, a great deal of time and effort is put into the study of the Word of God. This is as it should be, because the power to enlighten us, save us, and guide us into all truth is found in the inspired and inerrant Holy Scriptures. We are striving to follow the directions given to Timothy from the Apostle Paul:

"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15

Here in the dormitory rooms and the seminary classroom is where much of our PREPARATION with the Word of God takes place:

A typical dormitory room at Wittenberg Seminary

Seminary classroom, with students and teachers

Of course, preparation on paper is not the only needed step. Our students also PRACTICE their skills at preaching and teaching, both in front of their fellow students and "live" with the members of Ambureni parish:

Student Jasper preaching a practice sermon to fellow students

Student Dennis teaching Ambureni Sunday school

Student Eubank preaching at Ambureni worship services

The end goal of all our preparation and practice is to equip these men for PROCLAMATION in the parishes to which they may be called. We are now in the home stretch of the school year, looking forward to graduating four men from the seminary for service in the Lord's Church.

Please remember to pray for these men, that God would give them success with their preparation, practice, and proclamation of the Gospel of Christ crucified! Your prayers are also requested for: 
  • A series of illnesses here - Students Jasper and Eubank have recovered from malaria and typhoid, and student Emanuel is still recovering from typhoid and an infection. Student Dennis needs to undergo outpatient surgery for removal of benign tumors in his neck. Student Raphael had to return home to Korogwe (about 7 hours away) to attend to his wife, who is ill. Teacher Robert Loskira has been suffering from dental pain. Please ask our LORD to help and heal!

  • Upcoming visitations - During the seminary's midsemester break (late Sept/early Oct) Pastor Jeremia and I plan to visit our TCLC congregation in Dodoma, and to visit a Maasai pastor and his churches who have expressed interest in the TCLC. We are also planning to visit the pastors of the KCLC in Kenya during this break. Please pray for safe travel, Gospel outreach, and mutual edification with the Word of God during these trips! 
1st trip south; 2nd trip north - God willing!

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Kazi! Kazi! Kazi!

In this blog I write mostly about the work we do. If you'd like to get some insights about our life here in Tanzania, see Paula's jo...