Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Safari, and Worship in Arusha


I have benefited greatly by having Todd Ohlmann, the CLC traveling missionary, here during my first 10 days in Tanzania. Lydia Ohlmann accompanied her dad for her "senior class trip," and has been a welcome presence during our travels and work. On Saturday we took a day away for a photo safari at Tarangire National Park. The natural wonders of God's creation were breathtaking - you may see some photos HERE.

On Palm Sunday I was privileged to preach the sermon for the Palm Sunday worship service at Ambureni Parish, which is on the same site as the Wittenberg Seminary here in Arusha. You may see a few photos below. Following the service there was a lunch provided for the guests and students from the seminary. 

Missionary Ohlmann and Lydia leave for the U.S. today (the 4th). I'll now have about 3 weeks to prepare for the second semester at the seminary, and will also be visiting TZ-CLC congregations with Pastor Jeremia. I continue to give thanks to our LORD for His blessings on this beginning portion of the work here! 

"Let Your work appear to Your servants, And Your glory to their children. And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us, And establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands." (Ps. 90:16-17)

PHOTOS (click to enlarge)

Preaching at Esilalei Masai congregation, March 28

Worship at Ambureni Parish in Arusha, Palm Sunday, April 2

A video clip of a hymn being sung during the service is HERE.

Fellowship time after church

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