Monday, April 10, 2023

Holy Week in Tanzania


"O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?" The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Cor. 15:55-57)

Easter blessings in our risen Savior to all! 

The students of the Wittenberg Seminary are on Easter break. I made my way up the muddy road to the seminary on Thursday the 6th to get some things organized. The picture below is of the seminary classroom where Marco, a student who is there during the break, greeted me. You can see the newly-expanded seminary library against the wall, with recent donations from Pastor Paul Nolting, who visited here last November.

[click to enlarge]

I tried out some equipment provided by the CLC Mission Board. It includes a portable, battery-operated projector. This will be helpful both for seminary classes and as an outreach tool. We'll be able to go to isolated villages and view "The Jesus Film," which portrays the life of Christ according to the Gospel of Luke. I have versions of the film which are over-dubbed in both the Swahili and Masai languages. I expect this to be a powerful evangelism tool, opening doors for preaching and teaching the true Word of God.

On Good Friday, Pastor Jeremia and I visited the congregation at Leguruki - about 33 miles away (map HERE).

Easter Sunday worship was a joyous occasion at Ambureni, Pastor Jeremia's church, which is on the same site as the Wittenberg seminary in Arusha.

You may see some video clips of the service, as well as two baptisms and the blessing of a civil marriage HERE

By the way, if you are interested in what Tanzanian cuisine has been like so far, there are some photos HERE.

I am thankful for all of your continued prayers for the work of the Gospel here! 

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